Growing your Leadership Muscle

Today we are talking about how to grow your “leadership muscle”, some affirmations to help you get in the right mindset and stay in that mindset as a leader which in turn will lead to you growing your leadership muscle. Today our show will give you some ideas for gathering some confidence which is good for everyone whether you are a great leader or on the road to being a great leader.

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Tonight we started our topic of Accountability, which led to 2 separate shows so make sure you check out part 1 as well to get

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The Law of Navigation

“A leader sees more, sees farther, and sees before others.” LAW #4 – The Law of NAVIGATION  “A good leader remains focused. Controlling your destination

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Harsh Truths

Today we are talking about harsh truths, how they affect our lives & how getting out of our comfort zones can change our lives significantly.

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