Why We Spend the Way We Do

In this week’s episode, we analyze the reasons our spending habits are shaped, the tactics retailers and other businesses use to dive you to purchase more than you might need, and how to overcome theses habits.

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Tonight we are talking about how addiction affects us, our family and all the goodies that go along with that.

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Today we are talking about Burnout. Mental, physical, spiritual, & burnout at work, home, & church. We are talking about red flags, warning signs, &

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Harsh Truths

Today we are talking about harsh truths, how they affect our lives & how getting out of our comfort zones can change our lives significantly.

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How to Improve Now!

Are you someone who likes to grow personally and professionally? Do you constantly seek to improve yourself and become better? If you’re not moving forward

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Staying Positive

The vast majority of people are unable to see things 100% objectively. The way we see the world is not only biased by our general

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