5 Dumb Investments Smart People Make

Being smart doesn’t always mean that you’re being wise. Sometimes we think we’re doing the right thing when it’s really taking us backward. Other times, it’s simply a case of ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’. Tonight show will help to keep you from being swayed by salesmen, investment companies, or culture into making the wrong decision for you.

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Staying Positive

The vast majority of people are unable to see things 100% objectively. The way we see the world is not only biased by our general

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Tonight we are talking about how addiction affects us, our family and all the goodies that go along with that.

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The Power of Influence

Our choices everyday are influenced by any number of factors. On this evening’s show, we discuss what influence actually is, why/how it works, and why

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4 Parts of a Man

God made men with a set of unique responsibilities. We’re talking the 4 parts of a man: King-man, Warrior-man, Mentor-man and Friend-man.

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The Law of Magnetism

The Law of Magnetism says who you are is who you attract. Learning the Law of Magnetism: Generation – Most organizations, groups, companies and even

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