The Law of Navigation

A leader sees more, sees farther, and sees before others.”

LAW #4 – The Law of NAVIGATION

 “A good leader remains focused. Controlling your destination is better than being controlled by it.” – Jack Welch

Learning the Law of Navigation:

The law of Navigation – “Anyone can steer the ship but it takes a leader to chart the course.”

  1. Navigation requires preparation “A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see and who sees before others do.” – Leroy Elms
  2. Navigation requires a vision of the future. Leaders have a vision for the destination, know what it will take to get there, know who they’ll need to be on the team to be successful and recognize the obstacles long before they appear on the horizon.
  3. Navigation requires reflection of the past. Realistic leaders are objective enough to minimize illusions. They understand that self-deception can cost them their vision.

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